Gnadra Confederacy
Gnadra Confederacy is a major galactic civilization with a federal government whose official seat lies on the world of Gnadra. Although most member worlds are dominated by gnomes, leading to the faction being often called a gnomish one, many worlds have large human, halfling and dwarf populations. The Confederacy is one of the most technologically and socially advanced civilizations, due to majority of its legislature being occupied by tinker gnomes, though its racial tolerance opens seats not only to forest or deep gnomes, but halflings and dwarves as well. Gnadra Confederacy is the largest civilization in the Accords Sector, with 108 official inhabited member worlds, as well as the original proponent and senior partner of the Gnadra Accords.
Culture[edit | edit source]
Although the Confederacy contains many cultures, its core Gnadra culture is an extremely liberal society with few taboos. Due to easily accessible and popular magical contraception, the Gnadra practice a "free love" culture which extends even beyond some liberal Terran wishes. Long-term relationships are rare and casual sex and one parent households are common. Sexual initiation usually begins very early, shortly after hitting puberty. An old (though going out of fashion) practice that is considered abhorrent by many Accords member worlds is "sexual tutelage" where older individuals "tutor" the pubescent boys and girls in intercourse. Thanks to virtually non-existent risk of inbred offspring, incest (usually between cousins) is a common practice.
Technology has a very important part in Gnadra culture, due to its tinker gnome origins. Virtually every citizen is carrying with him an aetherbox, a special tool used for near-instant interstellar communication through a layer of the Aether converted into a network called Aethervox. Originally used for voice transmission only, Aethervox expanded to transfer images and other data, becoming a galaxy-wide network of communication with no need for network towers or satellites. Aethervox became a staple of Gnadra culture where it's hard to find someone who doesn't use it and many basic services cannot be completed without it.
History[edit | edit source]
Some core words of the Confederacy, including Gnadra, Ruelgorm and Kind were conquered over a thousand years ago by a despotic human empire called Vodoni Empire. These three worlds took part in a rebellion against the Vodoni, which resulted in overthrowing their rule and the subsequent magical cataclysm killing the Vodoni sun. The survivors, including the nearby Vodonica, founded a new, democratic state called New Vodoni Republic which became one of the first members of the Confederacy.
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